Saturday, February 18, 2023

I had such a thrill to have this migratory bird visit us at MapleWalk ... a Baltimore Oriole!!!  I have put out a grape jelly feeder during the winter for the past two years, and never had any interest ... UNTIL THIS YEAR!!  The Baltimore Oriole has brought his partner to visit the grape jelly feeder, AND we've had a pair of Orchard Orioles visit as well.  I have been beside myself with delight!!  I feed mealworms to our bluebirds and the Oriole has decided he likes those worms as well, so it is quite a site to see Bluebirds, Orioles, Cardinals, and wrens show up when I ring our wind chime to announce it's mealworm time.


Baltimore Oriole at the jelly feeder. 

Bluebirds at the mealworm feeder.

My calla lilies are blooming!  Some of my favorite flowers! Zantedeschia 'Picasso' Zantedeschia 'Flame' Zantedeschia '...