Friday, January 4, 2019

A new family member!  In mid September, Tom and I paid a visit to the animal shelter to check out some bunnies.  Of course we didn't leave empty handed!  "Butter" is four years old, and is a lop eared bunny.  She was already named, so she fit in perfectly with our other food-named children:  Maple Sugar and Kiwi (dogs) and Basil and Parsley (bunnies).  Apparently it was just meant to be.

Maple is really good with all of our babies, and loves licking ears!  I don't trust Kiwi with the bunnies because whenever she catches squirrels or birds in the yard, it's all over.  She does, however, sit beside me on the sofa when I'm holding the bunnies.

Maple meets Butter for the first time.

Basil is eating his mouthful of Timothy hay while Butter reaches into the hay manager to help herself.

My calla lilies are blooming!  Some of my favorite flowers! Zantedeschia 'Picasso' Zantedeschia 'Flame' Zantedeschia '...