Saturday, December 30, 2017

I do enjoy our birds in the garden, and I'm fortunate that Tom doesn't ask me how much I spend on birdseed each month for our 14 bird feeders!  

I remember my mom taking me to Wing Haven as a young girl to visit Mrs. Clarkson and watch her feed mealworms to the birds from her hand.   That is such a vivid memory, and I would love nothing better than to be able to do the same with our birds here.  

Various birds are already conditioned to my ringing of a bell and whistling.  They will come to the platform feeder outside our sunporch where I put their mealworms every morning.  

I have an adirondack chair positioned right behind the platform feeder where I am now sitting every morning when I call the birds to get them accustomed to me.  This is my first step in my process to hand feeding... I hope!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Just came in from a quick walk in the garden and happened upon this gem:  'Kramer's Beauty'
Camellia japonica

    Saturday, December 23, 2017

    You never know what you may find as you move leaves around during the winter.  Don't know why this little guy is tied up in a knot ... I guess he was all snuggled down in the leaves and I disturbed him.  I said, "Sorry to disturb you," and covered him back up.

    Helleborus niger 'Jacob'
    The first of our hellebores to bloom this winter

    Thursday, December 21, 2017

    After years of being happy, Daphne can just up and die with no warning, but we feel they are worth it.  We lost one this size in this exact spot.  When we lose a plant, Tom and I say, "Well, we have another planting opportunity!" We planted another Daphne in the same spot several years ago, and all seems well ... at least for now.  
    Daphne odora 'Marginata' is heavily budded and ready to burst into bloom

    A new purchase this year is 
    Camellia japonica 'Hilda Honeycutt'

    One of the new beds Tom has created this fall is planted with
    Sedum 'Lemon Ball'

    Some of our camellia japonicas are blooming early as is
    Camellia japonica 'Tama Vino'
    Fatsia japonica with its tropical looking foliage
    Developing seed pods
    Black fleshy fruit will appear in winter

    Thursday, December 14, 2017

    Many years ago I purchased a home that had the driveway lined
    with Mahonia aquifolium.  I used to curse this plant as I would forever stick myself on the prickly leaves whenever I got in or out of my car.  
    How could I have had such disparaging thoughts about this plant as I now rate Mahonia as one of my favorite winter bloomers with their clusters of yellow blooms followed by  dusky blue berries.  I no longer find their prickly leaves nearly as annoying. 

    Matteuccia struthiopteris
    This entire bed is filled with Ostrich ferns.  They provide interesting winter interest in the garden.
    Nandina domestica 'Alba'
    I don't have to fight the birds for the berries of
    Nandina domestica (both the cream and the red) as the birds don't seem to like them ... Hmm

    Tuesday, November 28, 2017

    A weekend's work of  winter pruning is on the curb waiting for city pickup.

    Monday, November 27, 2017

    Resident bunnies, Basil (white) and Parsley (brown) live in the woodland garden in what Tom refers to as the "Taj Ma HUTCH."

    A special treat each day are the fallen leaves of 
    Magnolia macrophylla
    (Bigleaf Magnolia)

    Sunday, November 26, 2017

    Continuing the development of MapleWalk with the history of: 

    Property #2
    Behind our house was a vacant lot which belonged to the man who lived diagonally in back of us.  We had our eye on that lot from day one.  Tom sent the neighbor a letter stating our interest in the lot should he ever decide to sell.  We never heard a word from him.  Our next door neighbor who had lived behind him for 18 years had only seen him once!

    One day we heard that the man's daughters were in town.  We tried again to connect by writing another letter and taping it to his front door in hopes that one of his daughters would communicate with us.  Well, we did hear from someone who happened to be one of his business associates.  The long and short of it was that we NEVER spoke with our neighbor, and the ONLY time we ever saw him was at the closing when we purchased the lot.  He agreed to sell if we promised never to build on it which was certainly agreeable with us.  

    This second property was extremely overgrown with English ivy, poison ivy, and wisteria vines as big around as my calf. Because of the overgrowth, the lot had become a dumping ground for construction debris (i.e. concrete, rebar) and the remnants of Hurricane Hugo.  We were unable to even walk the lot before purchasing it because we kept falling into holes!

    The weekend after the closing, Tom and I began clearing the lot beginning in the upper left corner.  We would work all weekend, and realize that no one other than ourselves could tell anything had been done.  We were pulling up ivy and wisteria and it was very slow going.

    It was winter when we closed on the lot, and unbeknownst to me, the leafless vines I was pulling out of the trees was POISON IVY!!  I was looking up into the trees as I pulled down the vines disregarding what was falling back into my face.  I'm sure you can imagine what I am going to say now ... I had the WORST case of poison ivy ... even in my eyes!  I was a mess!!!

    As our clearing continued, we hired a Hispanic crew to work along with us one weekend.  I was hauling logs up to the street when Tom heard one of the guys say in reference to me:  "She little, but she strong like bull!"  I guess that's a compliment.  (Tom loves this story!)

    Months, and months later, we had cleared enough to be thinking ... now what do we do?  Since Ann (our original landscape designer) was no longer available, Tom called Dr. Larry Mellichamp, botany professor and Director of the UNC-Charlotte Botanical Garden (since retired) to ask him for a recommendation of someone to help us with the development of our woodland garden.  Tom and Larry ended up having a long conversation at the conclusion of which Larry said, "Well, would you mind if I came out?"  Needless to say, we thought that was a TERRIFIC idea!!!

    Larry would come out and walk the vacant lot with Tom discussing where paths might be, suggesting various specimen trees.  He never drew an official design, but encouraged us to include many plants that were new to us. Tom started creating paths as clearing continued.  We took out close to 100 trees ... many were saplings.  Trees over 30' in height were professionally removed.  Every few weeks, we would call Larry who would once again walk the property with us helping our vision become a reality. 

    Before we began planting, we knew that we wanted to accentuate an existing elevation change on the lot.  To accomplish this we contacted, Johnny Massengill with Ponders, who we knew from an earlier project to give us some advice.  He brought 50 tons of boulders that he deposited next to the street.  Next, he and Tom picked the ones that seemed to give the drop off a “mountain feel.”  Johnny’s crew dug big holes for placement so that the stones would look like they had always been there. We used about 40 tons of those he delivered.

    Since I am talking about stone, it was in the woodland garden, that we learned that we wanted to line the paths with Tennessee field stone.  Laying stone has become an ongoing winter project for Tom that continues to this day. Those paths became hardwood mulch which every year is replaced, with the old, well-rotted remains returned to the adjacent beds.  After many years of repeating this process, we have wonderful soil (home to very happy earth worms)  sitting on top of our native clay.
    Planting Chinese herbaceous peony, 'Purple Rose.'  Over the past several years I have added a new peony or two (maybe even three!)  Peonies are one thing that doesn't appear to interest the deer and rabbits ... at least for now!

    Acer palmatum

    A new Japanese maple this year in the upper garden.

    View in the Upper Garden
    'Autumn Gold'
    Ginko biloba

    A little late in getting this photo of our ginkgo.  She is going to be a focal point in the Upper Garden as she matures.

    Fall color of Hosta 'Beckoning'
    Fall pruning of Osmunda regalia (Royal Fern)
    A neighbor child said they look like porcupines!

    Cyclamen coum (late winter and early spring blooming) and 
    Cyclamen hederifolium (fall blooming) are happy planted under some of our big trees whose roots keep the soil dry during their dormant period.  They are slowly beginning to naturalize.  

    Saturday, November 25, 2017

    How MapleWalk came into being ...

    Property Number 1
    Tom and I moved into our home in December 1991.  We laugh because we were actually thinking in terms that we were buying a yard with potential which just happened to have a house to go with it!
    We immediately turned our focus to the outside and decided that the house could wait for some very needed updating.  
    Tom was working out at a nearby fitness center and made friends with a guy there who happened to mention that his wife was a landscape designer.  We, of course, contacted her, and the ball started rolling.  (As a side note, I don’t believe she ever did another plan after ours as she started having children and then home schooled).  
    We first had a design drawn for the front yard, but it wasn’t long before we had the bug and asked for a design for the back yard.  Tom and I had limited knowledge at that point, but throughly enjoyed learning and implementing the designs together.  I had never seen a landscape design before, and I was quite impressed with the detail, and along with it came plants lists which stated how many, how far apart to plant, etc.  I know the folks at the various nurseries we visited hated us because we would trot through the door with our plant lists and loads of questions.  We began purchasing books and our knowledge grew, but initially, we followed the designs to the letter outlining beds, amending soil, and planting exactly according to plan (and I mean exactly as we had our measuring tape in hand!)  It was definitely “learning as you go!”  We will never regret having a landscape designer in the beginning as it definitely kept us from making some serious and costly mistakes … such as wrong plant, wrong place.  Looking at our initial landscape designs for our front and back yards, they bear only slight resemblance to the original as with our increased knowledge, so did our desire to expand our plantings with interesting and unique specimens.  

    Folks ask us, “Can you two work together?”  (without killing each other they mean!)  It has evolved over the years that Tom is the tree person and I am the herbaceous perennial person, and we both work with shrubs.  We do consult with each other, but we have worked together for so long, we both understand the MapleWalk vision.
    Acer palmatum var. dissectum

    It's been 15 years since my family gave me this Japanese maple for my birthday.  She sits outside our sunroom and has really gotten too big for the space, but I wouldn't dare risk moving her.  

    Views of the woodland garden.

    Acer shirasawanum

    Sunday, November 19, 2017

    Japanese maple with Camellia sasanqua
    Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium' with Camellia sasanqua 'Shishigashira'
    Acer palmatum 'Waterfall' being guarded by our Wheaten Terrier, "Maple Sugar"
    "Kiwi" is our Cesky Terrier.  She is after some critter in the garden.  She is persistent, but failed to make a capture ... thankfully!

    I think someone is due for a bath!
    Tom's major winter project this year is replacing the stones lining our garden paths with larger stones.  Hopefully this will keep us from resetting the smaller stones which are constantly shifting out of place.


    Tuesday, November 14, 2017

    I hope you will enjoy this article written for Houzz in 2013 by Jay Sifford, garden designer extraordinaire and friend.

    Over 23 years, a North Carolina couple has created an inviting, magical garden that harmonizes with its woodland setting

    November 18, 2013
    Some gardens have a story to tell, and some are so highly personal that they are extensions of those who create them. Other gardens seem to work in concert with Mother Nature, where the human hand takes a back seat to the seasonal symphonies she chooses to orchestrate. Rarely, though, do all three types converge into one garden space. Such is a garden called MapleWalk, created by Lib Jones and Tom Nunnenkamp. MapleWalk, in suburban Charlotte, North Carolina, weaves together unspoiled woodland beauty, an outstanding collection of trees and shrubs, and a bit of whimsy.

    I visited MapleWalk recently on a crisp fall day. The low autumnal sun backlit the Japanese maples in an almost mystical way. Tom and Lib shared their story — one of romance, love of the land and passion for creating a beautiful space. The story was as interesting as the garden itself.

    Let’s take a tour of MapleWalk.
    Tom and Lib feel privileged to call MapleWalk home. They are actively planning to make it a perpetual garden by creating a foundation to oversee its future. Such a tranquil garden in the midst of a metropolitan area earns its place as a respite from the frantic pace of modern life

    My calla lilies are blooming!  Some of my favorite flowers! Zantedeschia 'Picasso' Zantedeschia 'Flame' Zantedeschia '&#...