Sunday, January 9, 2022

Captured all in one photo, three of my winter favorites:  witchhazel, daphne, and lenten roses.


 Matteuccia struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern) have separate fertile fronds that ripen in the fall to a pretty chocolate or cinnamon brown and persist through the winter to provide winter interest.  With snow on the ground, they definitely make a statement!

Hamamelis vernalis 'Quasimodo' is a dwarf cultivar.  It is compact and grows 3-4 feet high, and is a perfect choice for the small garden.   

No, witchhazel 'Quasimodo' does NOT grow Wheaten Terriers!

The lenten roses are beginning to bloom, and I am busy removing the old foliage in order for the blooms to stand out and really shine.  This has typically been a job I do in February, but everything seems to be early this year.  It is certainly not required to do this, but I've been doing it for several years now, and really prefer to clean up the hellebores and the nearby areas.  

Just finished the hellebore pruning along the steps going up to the upper garden.  This is just the beginning as there are several more areas to complete.


The much needed recent rain has greened up our moss garden in the front yard.

I like the contrast of the moss and the dwarf mondo.

The moss is sneaking into the dwarf mondo, but that is fine with me!  Can't have too much moss!

My calla lilies are blooming!  Some of my favorite flowers! Zantedeschia 'Picasso' Zantedeschia 'Flame' Zantedeschia '...