Sunday, March 25, 2018

It's not unusual to have damage when temperatures are unseasonably warm (like 60+ in February) and plants begin to leaf out, and then temperatures dip into the teens.  It's difficult to witness the damage.
Every year we lose Camellia japonica flower buds,  but usually not all on a particular plant.  This Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Gem' which we planted last year, sadly, lost all of its buds.  Maybe next year ...
Burn on the dwarf mondo grass.

Climbing Fig always takes
a hit in the winter as it's
much happier growing
in Charleston, SC
More winter burn ... 
Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'

My calla lilies are blooming!  Some of my favorite flowers! Zantedeschia 'Picasso' Zantedeschia 'Flame' Zantedeschia '...